The RX1 is a microfluidics-based 3D bioprinter which allows precise control, enabling microscale resolution at high speed. We can directly print cell-laden hollow perfusable fibres for modeling tubular tissues, such as blood vessels. In addition to a hollow centre, we can also print fibres with multiple concentric layers for cell encapsulation for applications such as immunoprotection. With coaxial flow focusing, the bioink is crosslinked in the microfluidic printhead and not pre- crosslinked as with extrusion. This enables printing with very low viscosity bioinks (down to ~1 mPas) to produce soft printed structures that can enable better cell viability, proliferation and function, especially for soft tissues. However, we are not limited to print only low viscosity materials but can print work with medium range viscosities as well (up to 1500 mPas).
The RX1 also allows for straightforward multicellular and multimaterial printing with up to four different inks with a single printhead (QUAD printhead). This makes it possible to print tissues that are more physiologically relevant. The microfluidic technology also enables seamless switching between the different bioinks so we can create patterns such as gradients and interfaces within the printed fibres and 3D structures.